This document briefly details how user/developers can set up a remote machine on FabSim3 for job submission.

How to run a LAMMPS Job

For this example we assume LAMMPS has been installed on the desired host machine and the location (lammps_exec) has been specified in the file machines_FabMD_user.yml.

All the input files required for a LAMMPS simulation should be contained in a directory in config_files.

A minimal example LAMMPS simulation is provided in config_files/lammps_test1, to execute this example type:

fabsim localhost lammps:lammps_test1

Modifications can be added in the command line like:

fabsim host lammps:lammps_test1,lammps_input:in.lammps

or by specifying default values for these arguments in: machines_FabMD_user.yml.

      lammps_input: "in.lammps"
      sweep_dir_name: "SWEEP"

How to run a NAMD Job

For this example we assume NAMD has been installed on the desired host machine and the location (namd_exec) has been specified in the file machines_FabMD_user.yml.

All the input files required for a NAMD simulation should be contained in a directory in config_files.

A minimal example NAMD simulation is provided in config_files/namd_test1, to execute this example type:

fabsim localhost namd:namd_test1

Modifications can be added in the command line like:

fabsim host namd:namd_test1,namd_input:eq0.conf

or by specifying default values for these arguments in: machines_FabMD_user.yml.

      namd_input: "eq0.conf"
      sweep_dir_name: "SWEEP"

How to run a GROMACS Job

For this example we assume GROMACS has been installed on the desired host machine and the location (gromacs_exec) has been specified in the file machines_FabMD_user.yml.

All the input files required for a GROMACS simulation should be contained in a directory in config_files.

A minimal example GROMACS simulation is provided in config_files/gromacs_test, to execute this example type:

fabsim localhost gromacs:gromacs_test

The gromacs command first executes grompp and the input files then an MD run on the resulting files. There are three required files for this command and two optional files. The required files are

  • grompp file (.mdp)

  • conformation file (.gro)

  • topology file (.top)

These can be specified in three ways, which take decreasing priority:

  1. In the command line argument.

  2. As a default in gromacs_params in machines_FabMD_user.yml.

  3. A file found in the specified config_files directory with the correct extension

Files are specified in the command line like this:

fabsim localhost gromacs:gromacs_test,grompp=nvt.mdp,conf=npt4b.gro,

Defaults can be also set in the gromacs default parameters in machines_FabMD_user.yml.

      sweep_dir_name: "SWEEP"
         grompp: nvt.mdp
         conf: npt4b.gro
         index: index.ndx

Or finally, if a required file is not specified in the command line or as a default it will search for a file with the correct extension in the config directory. If one and only one is found this file is used. If multiple files with the correct extension are found it is ambiguous and an error is issued.

There are two optional files that, if desired, must be specified on the command line.

  • checkpoint file (.cpt)

  • index file (.ndx)

These could be specifed like this:

fabsim localhost gromacs:gromacs_test,grompp=nvt.mdp,conf=npt4b.gro,,checkpoint=npt4b.cpt,index=index.ndx

or simply set them inside machines_FabMD_user.yml. The grompp command executes with all required and optional files. This produces a mdout.mdp file which is run with:

gmx mdrun

Run Ensemble Examples


These examples assume that you have been able to run the basic examples described above, and that you have installed and configured LAMMPS on the target machine.

To run type:

fabsim localhost lammps_ensemble:lammps_ensemble_example1

FabMD looks for a directory called lammps_ensemble_example1 in config_files. It then looks for a sweep directory (by default called SWEEP) that contains a number of input files to iterate through. All the files in lammps_ensemble_example1 directory and one of the sweep directory files will be copied to the host in separate directories (one for each sweep file) and executed in the normal way. This example essentially runs the same input script with different topology (data) files.


This example runs 3 simulations with different input files, which vary the simulation temperature, using the same topology file.

To run type:

fabsim localhost lammps_ensemble:lammps_ensemble_example2
  • NOTE if your input filename is not the same as the one set in lammps_params entry in machines_FabMD_user.yml file, then you will have to specify this in the command line. For example the following command may be more suitable but will run the exact same simulations:

    fabsim localhost lammps_ensemble:lammps_ensemble_example2,lammps_input=in.peptide

Gromacs ensemble test

Hopefully the structure of the ensemble execusion is becoming familar. To run the minimal gromacs ensemble examples type:

fabsim localhost gromacs_ensemble:gromacs_ensemble_test,grompp=npt.mdp

The run files and SWEEP directory are contained with in config_files/gromacs_ensemble_test. The grompp file must be specified on the command line because there are a few options in the directory, if this does not make sense please read the How to run a GROMACS Job section.

EasyVVUQ + FabMD example

This example shows how to create an ensemble of LAMMPS simulations using EasyVVUQ, execute the jobs through FabMD, then analyse them within the EasyVVUQ architecture. All within 3 FabSim commands!!!


All the easyvvuq campaign infantilization, runs execution, and the results analyse will be done on target machine which can be your localhost or remote HPC machine.

Its a very simple example of a LAMMPS ensemble. 3 runs are created and given different velocity seeds. The solvation energy is calculated at the end of each simulation and the average and standard deviation are output to screen. The intention for this example is to provide a guide to designing your own workflow that uses these two tools together.

The input files needed for this example are found in plugins/FabMD/config_files/fabmd_easyvvuq_test1. This directory contains three files:

  • lammps.template: is the LAMMPS input script in sampler_inputs subfolder, EasyVVUQ will substitute certain variables in this file to create the ensemble.

  • data.peptide: is the configuration file for a peptide in water for LAMMPS simulation. This remains common to all simulations.

  • campaign_params.yml: is the configuration file, in sampler_inputs subfolder, for EasyVVUQ sampler. If you need different sampler, parameter to be varied, or polynomial order, you can set them in this file.


These are the commands you needed to run this example:

fabsim <remote machine> lammps_init_campaign:fabmd_easyvvuq_test1
fabsim <remote machine> lammps_run_campaign:fabmd_easyvvuq_test1
fabsim <remote machine> lammps_analyse_campaign:fabmd_easyvvuq_test1

<remote machine> can be your localhost or a HPC resources.